Wordstar emulator
Wordstar emulator

wordstar emulator

The TI 980 is a hexadecimal machine, with switches in groups of four. You can see that the PDP-8 is an octal computer, with its switches in three-bit configurations (it takes three bits to count from 0 to 7, for a total of 8 numbers.

wordstar emulator

TI 980 1960’s The internal architecture of the machine is exposed in the controls. ~1 kilobit memory approximate processing power of today’s singing birthday card but not a stored-program device Great description here: New program ENIAC 1946 Mauchly and Eckert stats: 3,000 cubic feet 30 tons 18,000 vacuum tubes 70,000 resistors 170 kilowatt power req. For fun, go make images of punch cards that say anything you want: To the machines punch card, 80 columns, to hold 80 characters or numbers paper tape, also encoding characters with holes. Goal of “human factors” my summary “minimize the damage and inconvenience” Good Designs: design against misuse, unintended uses, and abuses design for all sizes, shapes, attitudes and personalities people People are seen as components in a system of production The Five Elements of System Design personnel selection personnel training machine design job design environmental design Was engineering design: make faster, bigger machines, expose their guts through controls people adapt to the machines people speak the language of the machines elaborate efforts to prepare problems for the machines no designers involved, but lots of clever engineers – emergence of a new set of skills, new disciplines in the meantime, the field of human factors is blooming, along with things like “aviation psychology” operate the machine Interactive machines first appeared, the creators of their controls, their interfaces, emphasized the goal of “operating the machine.” useful usable desirable affordable for the right people appropriately complex appropriately styled appropriately transparent in function and use appropriately adaptable, extensible, malleable overall, having “good fit” with people, context, activity, result “interaction design.” But most of the qualities we seek have been valued through the ages.

  • pre-computer Before computers, there wasn’t.
  • In use over time, these tools come to be loved by their owners. Planes (an ancient tool): their designers sought fitness for use, ease of use, good control, long-lasting materials, a good feel in the hand, efficiency of operation, precise adjustment. standard disclaimers apply: this was not carefully fact-checked, and it very much represents my personal view of what has been and is now important. It is an overview of the history of designing for interaction. this isn’t a history of computing technology. This slight revision was presented in 2004, in Jodi Forlizzi’s Graduate Interaction Design Seminar at CMU. Was originally prepared in 2003 for a lecture in Melissa Cicozi’s undergrad Design History class at Carnegie Mellon University. Teeny little nutshell version 1.5 marc rettig presented at carnegie mellon university 2 april 2004

    Wordstar emulator